387 points
Last updated
387 points
Last updated
Writeup by Victor
We're given what appears to be a corrupted .wav file. Media Player practically screams this if you try opening it and playing the audio. If you try to open the file normally in Audacity (the best application for audio ctf challenges btw) it won't let you because, as hinted already, the file is corrupt. But there's one way to open corrupt files in Audacity: by importing the raw data of the file.
With the audio file successfully opened in Audacity, you should see something like this:
I wouldn't recommend clicking the play button (speaking from experience here). But what you should notice are the lengths of each audio segment. They're all either wide or thin, no in between. This should immediately scream out to you "MORSE CODE"!
As drawn at the bottom of the image, the morse could is "-... . . .--. -... --- .--. -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. ." and if you input that into a morse code translator, you should get the output of "BEEPBOPMORSECODE".
Flag: n00bz{beepbopmorsecode}
*challenge tells you the text is in all lowercase